Booking Policy

Due to COVID restrictions and an unfortunately high level of appointment no-shows, we are updating our booking policy to require a deposit for all appointments made by first-time clients or previous “No Shows” who booked with us.

A fixed deposit will be required for all appointments booked by phone or online. This booking deposit is €50 and will be deducted from your final bill on the day you visit the salon.

  •  Deposits are fully refundable/transferrable for appointments cancelled/moved with at least 48hrs notice

  • Appointments cancelled/transferred with less than 24hrs notice may result in your deposit being lost, at the discretion of the Manager.

 Please note that we are working to strict COVID guidelines and will continue to do so for as long as that is the advice given to our industry.

Your experience is still paramount to us, so if you have any feedback, please email

No Shows

If you fail to show for your scheduled appointment without first making contact, an automatic charge will apply to your account. Multiple no-shows will result in a ban.

House Rules of Salon

  • Please respect the salon

  • Mobile phone on silent

  • Parents please mind your children

Allergy Alert Testing

New Clients

An allergy alert test is required at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.

Allergy alert testing is complimentary and processed during your consultation. For lapsed colour clients (clients who have not been to our salon within a six month period) a new allergy alert test will be mandatory. Existing clients who are opting for a colour change may require a new allergy test also.

Existing Clients

If you have not had colour in Meche Hair & Beauty Salon for longer than eight months, a new Allergy Alert Test is mandatory to proceed with your appointment. Failure to present for your allergy test may lead to the cancellation of your appointment.